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Monday, November 23, 2009

Thanksgiving Week Thoughts

I've got lots to be thankful for this holiday season. Most of what comes to mind are the important things many other people are grateful for, too, like my family, friends, and faith. In this post I want to dig a little deeper, to remind myself of the little things that help make my life special.

I'm thankful for (in no particular order):

Books that entertain me

Pets that love me unconditionally, or at least tolerate me

Red tea. It's one of the few things I can drink that are good for me that I actually like.

Days with temps in the 50s, and no sun, so I can play outside. Today is one of those days, and I've had a great time doing yard work and taking pictures.

My camera. I love digital cameras even though I can't figure out which setting to use for a particular picture to come out right.

Computers. I love having access to whatever I want to know without having to drive to the library and dig through outdated stuff to find answers.

Birds. I enjoy watching them fly around my house, or perch in my trees. I don't even really mind if they build nests in my garage, though I'd prefer it if they just lived outside.

Sisters and brothers. I know they count as family, but it's just so special having them. I think those who don't have any or don't get along with theirs are missing one of the greatest blessings in life.

I'm sure there are many more blessings I could list, but I'm going to spend the rest of the morning getting ready for one of the best at this time of year: My kids are coming home for Thanksgiving, and I want the house to be clean and welcoming for them.

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