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Monday, February 2, 2009

Free Books!

WooHoo! I just got accepted into the Thomas Nelson book reviewer program. This gives me free books in exchange for agreeing to review them on my blog, and on one review site--like Amazon or some other public site. Here's the link if you are interested in signing up with the program yourself:

I'm awaiting my copy of This is Your Brain on Joy, by Dr. Earl Henslin. I'll tell you all about it after I read it. I alreadly love the cover; it shows a brain full of flowers, and I love flowers. The hardcover book is 240 pages, so it will take me a while to get through it.

I'm hoping to have the book finished before February 21 as I'm attending a women's retreat on Outrageous Joy that day and want to be prepared. We're having a speaker from Arizona, Glenna Salsbury. The day will start with an English Breakfast Tea, followed by praise and worship, a message, luncheon--with dessert bar--and another message. By the end of the day, I should be full of both joy and food.


Mary Wooley said...

Sounds like something I'd be interested in near future.

Carol said...

Hi, Mary. Thanks for stopping in.

As soon as I get my book, I will start documenting my experiences with the program. From what I've read on other blogs, there is a variety of books to choose from every month. I hope to take advantage of as many free ones as I can read. If you think of any questions later, just ask.