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Saturday, January 17, 2009

Word of the Day

I was disappointed to find out that the Word of the Day gadget on my blog doesn't personalize it for me. The same word and definition appears on each blog I've seen that carries it. Fortunately I haven't found many using this feature, so it's not like I'm just one of the crowd, but I was trying to make my blog different, special. Having my own Word of the Day fit my nerdy personality.

Now, the good news. It has occurred to me that instead of being disappointed, I should be grateful that there are others who love words as much as I do. If there weren't, there wouldn't be a cool feature like that for me to add to my blog. I would have to look up my own words, write my own definition and example, and post them daily.

Also, it's kind of neat to know that other people are reading the same word I am each day, making me part of a group that shares one of my interests. It's sort of like being in an exclusive club with free membership. You don't get much for it, but you don't have to do much either.

So, thank you to whoever makes the "gadgets" for blogspot users, especially the ones I'm using here.

And, just so no one thinks I'm too lazy to come up with my own words, here's one I looked up myself: venireman noun,
one of a group of people from whom a jury will be selected (Webster's New World Dictionary)

I was a venireman last summer, but wasn't assigned to a case.


Jessica Nelson said...

Huh. Interesting. I actually just got a book in the mail today (won it on a blog) about words. It's words every writer should know and I have to confess to being nerdy enough to want to devour the thing. LOL
Sorry your gadgets not personalized. :-)

Carol said...

Thanks for the sympathy. :) I love learning new words, and sometimes just browse the dictionary for fun. It's nice to know there are people who share my interest.

Congratulations on winning the book.