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Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Cats, Cats, Cats

I love all 4 of my cats. They each have a distinct personality, and I like different things about each of them.Smokey isn't in this picture, but Kitty, Maggie, and Tiger are napping on my bed.

Kitty is my favorite, mainly because I'm her favorite person. She barely tolerates everyone else, but cuddles with me whenever I sit down, and sleeps on my feet at night. I like being special. She's the gray and white cat in the southern part of the picture.

The little white splotchy cat on the left is Maggie. She is extremely shy and nervous. When she was a baby she cuddled with everyone, but now she runs and hides when anyone tries to touch her. However, once in a while she comes looking for me, climbs on my shoulder, and goes to sleep with her head under my chin. She has the most adorable squeaky voice I've ever heard.

Tiger is a pain in the you know what. He whines and gets in the way. He runs in front of me like he has to be first to where ever I'm going, and doesn't care if he has to trip me to do it. He sticks his paws in the toilet, chases all the other cats, plays hockey with the dog's food, and in general is annoying. Yet, his curiosity and playfulness make him irresistible.

Smokey is a huge Russian Blue, with the cutest voice a cat could have. He knocks on the door when he want in, waits his turn patiently at mealtime, usually acts dignified, and always lets the little cats push him around. He used to cuddle with me at bedtime, but since the kittens moved in he prefers to hang out with them instead of me. He adores my son Alex, and puts up with everyone else.

My dog, Buddy, is a sweetheart. He hasn't fully adjusted to having 4 cats in the house, but he endures their presence.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

What a Nice Day

I had a lovely time visiting with my mom, 2 sisters, brother, and nephew today. My family doesn't get together as much as I'd like; we're separated by miles and years of being independent adults. But whenever I'm with them, I remember a childhood filled with love and mutual acceptance. No matter our differences, or how seldom we see each other, I am truly grateful and blessed to have such a great family.

Love you!

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Promoting a Positive Outlook

Thought for Today:

If you focus on the negative, you'll overlook many positives in your life.

I'm trying to keep a more upbeat outlook on things. With all the worries about the economy, crime, declining morals, etc., this world can appear pretty dismal. However, there is also much to appreciate, and people who are loving, kind, and generous. The good far outways the bad for most of us, and I'm grateful for the blessings in my life.

Friday, April 24, 2009

A Time for Everything

Thought for Today:

Ecclesiastes 3:1

There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven. (NIV)

Though the rest of this passage is rather depressing, we can gain comfort from knowing that all things have a purpose. We may never know the whys or whens, but whatever happens, there is a reason. If we acknowledge that, there is nothing that should shake our faith or make us afraid.

I'm Back!

Well, here's what I'm thinking now:

There's no way I can keep all my thoughts focused on writing, so if I don't have someplace to put the other stuff rolling around in my brain my writing blog will turn into a general blog--or I'll end up talking to myself (more than I already do). If you're interested in writing, check out my blog at:

This blog here is going to fulfill its original pupose, which was to give me a place to say what I think. Most of my thoughts are pretty nonsensical, and the others are kind of boring to anyone but me, but feel free to leave comments and questions. I'll be happy to share my thoughts with you.
